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Mansfield Musings

Two Tigers revisted a lifetime on

3 Reasons Why Now is the time for Dreams of Peace & Freedom

The government publications on the future of Human Rights of the 8th of December present three reasons why DREAMS OF PEACE & FREEDOM must be seen and heard now:


The first proposal of the overlooked Gross report on the Human Rights Act was:

IHRAR strongly recommends to Government, for its consideration, a focus on civic, constitutional education on the HRA and rights more generally

We agree and believe that this education must be grounded in the history of Human Rights over the past 75 years. DREAMS OF PEACE & FREEDOM describes the genesis of legally enforceable Human Rights and Freedoms in Europe.


It is a commonplace to invoke the intentions of the various parties who conceived and created the Convention. Most recently Dominic Raab has summoned their spirit in his recent consultation document, now under review:

‘… the meaning and scope of many particular aspects of some Convention rights have changed substantially over the years without meaningful democratic oversight, in some cases going well beyond what the drafters and original signatories had intended or could have reasonably anticipated.’

The only way to understand the intentions of the creators is to listen to their words. DREAMS OF PEACE & FREEDOM lets you into the mind of one of the champions of the Convention, David Maxwell Fyfe. Many of the changes emanating from this charter would mystify and even appall him. But, he and the Convention, deliberately left room for the law to change and grow, room for progress.


At a time when the right to protest is under threat, DREAMS OF PEACE & FREEDOM stands as a protest against those who want to bulldoze through the legacy of those who fought and those who built the peace. Reviewed as

one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard…sublime ’ by Thos Ribbits from MusicalTalk

Ours is a beautiful protest anchored in the deep past of our country and continent.

Performance is vital. This is our submission to the present Lord Chancellor’s present consultation made on behalf of those who drafted the Convention. They believed that the law is a living thing.

We must listen to the recent past and help it shape our future plans.


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